Monday, December 2, 2013

Vector Portrait

Vector Portrait Reflection 
1.) I chose Jesse Williams because he is one of my favorite characters on my favorite show Grey's Anatomy and I also chose to do portrait of him because I love the color of his eyes.

2.) I chose this specific portrait of Jesse because it included his body and not just his face. His eyes also had good lighting on them with made them stand out of the other portraits i could've chosen from.

3.)  The areas that were the easiest for me personally were his eyebrows, hair and body. They were the easiest because all I had to do was outline them and color fill them in. The hardest areas for me to do were his eyes, lips, nose and jawline. The jawline was by far the most difficult because I kept connecting his neck to his ear. I also had a hard time finding the right color shade for his greyish-green eyes.

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