Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Artist: Pablo Picasso

Iman Adam
December 6, 2013
7th period

                                                        Pablo Picasso

Place/Date of Birth:
October 25, 1881
Malaga, Spain

Type of artwork:
       Painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking

       Style/Time period of art:
            20th century, Cubist Movement
     Definition of Style/Time period of art:
Cubism: An early 20th-century style and movement in art, esp. painting, in which perspective with a single viewpoint was abandoned and use was made of simple geometric shapes, interlocking planes, and, later, collage.

 Facts about Pablo Picasso:
v     His final words were "Drink to me, drink to my health, you know I can't drink any more."
v    His entire name has 23 words (Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso.)
v    Picasso is buried south of France.

Quote from artist:
            “Good artists copy, great artists steal.”

Monday, December 2, 2013

Vector Portrait

Vector Portrait Reflection 
1.) I chose Jesse Williams because he is one of my favorite characters on my favorite show Grey's Anatomy and I also chose to do portrait of him because I love the color of his eyes.

2.) I chose this specific portrait of Jesse because it included his body and not just his face. His eyes also had good lighting on them with made them stand out of the other portraits i could've chosen from.

3.)  The areas that were the easiest for me personally were his eyebrows, hair and body. They were the easiest because all I had to do was outline them and color fill them in. The hardest areas for me to do were his eyes, lips, nose and jawline. The jawline was by far the most difficult because I kept connecting his neck to his ear. I also had a hard time finding the right color shade for his greyish-green eyes.

Monday, November 18, 2013

12 Shot Narrative

                                                   12 Shot Narrative Reflection Questions

1. I want the viewer to walk away knowing that this watch is very important to me. The watch was given to me by my Mother and its means something to me.

2. I captured the watch at different angles. I wore it on my wrist to show that I occasionally wear it. I put it in a tree, on the rocks, on a desk and on a ledge to show that no matter where it is, its valuable and important. I showed my perspective by putting the watch in direct sunlight so that the rhinestones twinkle.

Friday, November 1, 2013


Song: Cheer Up by J. Cole
- The image displays what the lyrics are saying because the boy feels depressed as feels pain. The crack in the sidewalk show that his past isn't good. It basically shows that he's having a tough time and the arm is somebody jumping off the highway overpass. He has suicidal thoughts but ultimately he finds inner peace.

- The text incorporates in the photo because the yellow font color symbolizes happiness even though the lyrics speak of pain.

- The photo I took goes with the final by showing what the boy wants to do but he looks at the brighter side of things.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Self Portrait

Self-Portrait Reflection

I created my final self portrait image using The Vampire Diaries theme. I cut out myself using the polygonal lasso tool to cut me and the two other guys out. I adjusted the images by lightening and darkening myself, and the two other guys using the contrast and brightener tools. I also used contrast on my background layer to make it more cloudy, dark and bold.
 I chose to use the lasso tool to perfectly cut us out and to blend us into the background layer so that we look like we were already apart of the forestry background. I used the lightening tool/ contrast to brighten the two guys and to make me look pale and to glow just like a vampire.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Contact Sheet

1. The tools that i used on photoshop while composing my images were text, layers, free transform, change canvas size and font color.

2. My text could use improvement because they are transparent enough.

3. The compositional technique that was most successful out of all my images was leading lines. I thought it was the most successful because all of the lines were straight and there was one focus.